1. Choose your favorite thing to do.
2. Be creative to prepare your presentation.
3. Practice.
4. Check your agenda for the date of your performance.
5. Do your best!!!

Para la presentación, si ellos escogieron títeres, deben preparar sus títeres y su teatrito con material de reciclado.
Para la obra corta de teatro, pueden utilizar disfraz creativo (de reciclado), o simplemente máscaras pintadas o elaboradas con material de reciclado.
En el caso de los chicos que escogieron poema o trabalenguas, ellos pueden venir con su ropa favorita o también con algo distintivo.
En la agenda en la notita, llevaban escrita la fecha de su presentación, favor notar que está todo organizado por días. Tomaremos fotografías que serán publicadas en la web para que ustedes puedan verlas. Solamente tenemos 1 grupo por sección que hará Planet Pals, esto también fue señalado en la agenda,
Por favor eviten gastar, traten de utilizar materiales de reciclado o periódico pintado, en fin, a ¡Explotar la creatividad!
Cualquier duda, seguimos en contacto.

(pueden usar las mismas)



Please listen to my friends
we need your help so the earth can mend.
We all must try to care for the planet
trees and animals and everything in it.
We should save our water
keep things clean and do not waste
if we keep the earth safe and clean
living things will be healthy
and everything green.
Sunny Ray

How do you do! I am sunny ray
I bring you warmth and light each day
I don´t like smog or dirty clouds
They stop my rays from getting round
be careful of smoke please,
stop those fumes or I might choke!

Hello I am Moonbeam I give you light
I control the tides and bring you night
If the air is polluted Dirty clouds you will see
There won´t be night light
Cause you won´t see me

My name is starbright I am a twinkling light
and one of the stars you see each night
I help with wishes that is what I do
and I help moonbeam
light the sky at night, too
So, make a wish for a safe clean planet
for the universe and everything in it
If your wish comes true you will look up high
and you will see me shine in a bright clear sky.

How do you do? H20 is my name
I am a drop of water that comes from rain
I give you the lakes and fill up the sea
my water is important to you and to me
We need it to wash and drink and grow
It is essential for life we must keep it aflow.

I am Breezy clean, help me stay that way
Be cautious of what you burn
and of what you spray
be careful of unnecessary smoke
because polluted air is a dirty joke.
people and plants and animals too,
need my clean air to breath
and live like you!

Fluffy is my name, I live up high
I move so smooth as I fly!
If the air gets dirty then I get grey
I am a big smog cloud
That can not move away
If I get grey then you will get sad
because sunny ray can not shine through.

My name is Greenbean and I am everywhere
I am a living thing I need special care
You find me on plants and great big trees
on beautiful flowers and funny looking weeds
so give me clean water and I will grow
then I will filter the air and make oxygen flow.

I am Planet-terri I take care of this place
so keep it clean for the human race
Do not trash the earth keep it pollution free
or you will ruin the land the earth and the sea
do not fill it with garbage
if you ruin your planet
You won´t live there.
Now you have met Penpals one by one
Don´t you think they are lots of fun?
Look at this planet, it's under such stress!
If we make changes now,
we will avoid a big mess.
If you lend us a hand,
If we all work together.
Then stay a while and do your part,
let´s get going keep up the pace,
let´s make Earth a beautiful place!